Turn Friday into Fri-YAY this Spring at May Farms!
Rocky Mountain Bar League is once again partnering with the folks at May Farms to offer a no-skills-required cornhole league this Spring.
The May Farms Cornhole Leagues are not uber-competitive. Instead, the league is all about having a good time. Leave the work week in the rearview mirror and get your weekend started with some tasty adult beverages while tossing some bags at May Farms.
The league will take place on Friday nights @ 6:30pm starting April 5th. We’ll be playing indoors so no need to worry about keeping warm. Guests and Subs are always welcome to attend. We also have 2 different competition options so that teams of all skill levels can better enjoy their evening.
Space is limited and this league will likely fill up. So if you’d like a spot, don’t wait too long!
League Details
– All participants must be 18+
– Boards are placed 20′ apart
– Fridays @ May Farms (64001 US Highway 36 – Byers, CO) starting April 5th
– Start Time: 6:30p (finishes around 8:30)
– 6-Week League + End-of-Season Tournament
– League Dates: 4/5, 4/12, 4/19, 4/26, 5/3, 5/10
– Tournament Date: May 17th
– Teams will play 4+ games per night
– 2+ Players per team
– $140 per Team